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September 24, 2010
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Very new to site... all options open
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So hey there ... I'm Giovanni ... Very new to the site... I'm looking for everything from friends to romance. Say Hello, hit me up ... whatever.

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October 31, 2010
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`giovanni: you're hot!

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November 4, 2010
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Hi
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Hey there, my names is david and i just thought i would say hi and see whats up. I am a total newb when it comes to sites like this, not know what to say are what to do but feel free to hit me up when ever you want.

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November 7, 2010
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Hi Giovanni, I'm looking for friends as well. Your gear works for you.


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hi everyone & body !

I, Óskar had a stroke in the womb when I was born and around 3 months I got my epilepsy´s illness syndrom.He first met and saw me in connection to my hospitalstaying at Barnaspitali Hringsins in april 1985.Than I was right nearly 5 years old,but I had born with syndrom who did point to a shock on left cerebral hemispheres in the womb.Researches,included photo pictures of my head,confirm this at that time.More likely was thinking that the shock had caused by blood jetsam or wreckage,imaginably from the womb,who could have blocked all bloodstream to the left cerebral hemispheres and caused damaged on the left eye and vision,figure on the left side of my body and hemi-paralysis syndroms in / at right sight of my body. I have been living with this disability status and handicap every time since. I have also been struggling and fighting with & against my seizures & epilepsy, who may say that caused this same shock in the beginning.

I am so 100 % sure that nowone wants even very good experience gay guy in the S-- life.The epilepsy isn't infectious! Flogaveiki er ekki smitandi!

I, Óskar have been in supervision and treatment because of my epilepsy illness syndrom since from 1.2.2007.I had because of seriously increase or extend pains epilepsy drugs need to change on medicals and I had all that time whom she ( my speciallist of neourlogist ) had to follow me through because I had limited into work because of that. In the beginning came out seriously vision damages because of epilepsy drugs who later quit behind of that the seizures and epilepsy got much worse and got needed to try some kinds of drugs before the control got on the seizures. But still very much mental increase / extend pain from the drugs I have been on in this season in the form of seriousness melancholic temperament. I have now been free with seizures in nearly on year & feel much better & very important is that I will get an opportunity 2 proof myself & re-build me up again from beginning ... .

My medical history in further proceedings and how my youth was long ago in detail

01:02:07 Office Use The reason was: Out of epilepsy.

Hypoxia at birth with paralysis on the right. The umbilical cord wrapped
Neck. Been the observation by Peter Lúdvigssyni. Several months after the birth

Attacks with seizures, was placed on Orfiril, Tegratol and Stesolid, and later Orfiril

Tegratol until 10 to 12 years. Sabril then and is still on, now takes

500 mg 3 * 2 Trileptal parallel with the seponerad of interactions we
Allergy. Keppra is a 3 * 2 the most but gets the headaches, weakness and
Insomnia, now takes 2 * 2 but the currents in hand with prayer. Last

Attack 12/27/2006. Has spoken to someone who takes Lamictal and would like to
Try this medicine.

Right hemiparesa spasmodic, spasmodic in fact, also left ganglim. Reflex

Also missing.

Order vids vids optical measurement of taking Sabril, then take a decision on the continuation dana

Drug treatment.

GRS / Ap

It has been found in visual cuts ding Vidi for Sabril treatment and I call
Request a room for the discussion of this.

GRS / Ap

Does the office. Is satisfied, we'll start on Lamictal and now stops at that Sabril
Authority has cut vids visual *nalytics. Starts now under. scheme. Coming back to the beginning

June, when a reference that he starts to Sabril rung down and back
Beginning of July when we allowed a start that he rung down Keppra but aims

'm Monotherapiu with Lamictal 200 mg daily to start with, could be had
Higher doses.

GRS / Ap

18:04:07 Call
Have contacted. Missing sjúkradagpeningavottord to the employer.

GRS / Ap

05:06:07 Office Use
Does the office. Has had an allergic reaction to Lamictal, starting therefore Gran Zone,

Raise it up to 500 mg. and then starts to decrease Sabril. Comes at the beginning
In July.

GRS / Ap

08:06:07 Office Use
We further reflection I find reason to raise Keppra for 3 * 2 and rung down

Sabril. Write a letter to Oscar

GRS / hþh

03:07:07 Office Use
Does the office. Has dropped and stopped Lamictal. Is it up to 400 mg. Gran Zone

Daily. We decide now that he starts to Sabril rung down on a table for 2

Weeks. Comeback after 1 1 / 2 months.

GRS / Ap

Does the extension of sick leave certificates.

GRS / Ap

20:09:07 Office Use
Does the office. Have not had any fits and feels much better in terms of
Tired but still a little less stamina. In physical therapy and has to be in

Better shape. Receives a request to physical and Recep for drugs. Returns

At 6 months, until contacted as needed.

GRS / Ap

08:10:07 Office Use
Does the office. Has had seizures re-taken over a day where the advantages come with

About 2 hour intervals and consisted of 7 members. Was the emergency room and got to

Start with Stesolid but it was insufficient. He continued to have seizures until he

Got Ativan.

I find reason to raise Zone Gran to 500 mg. daily. Takes its due
Tabla. Gran Zone 50 mg. 5 + 0 + 5. Sent letters requesting may have regarding the need for

Ativan treatment if he came into convulsions.

GRS / Ap

18:10:07 Office Use
Does the office. Required certifications in connection with a car and business vehicles, also
The drugs he needs to have.

GRS / Ap

03:01:08 Office Use
Feel good. Have not had any attacks since September. Is to purchase residential

In Portugal. Neighborhood has a lot with the right diet. Now takes Gran Zone 50

Mg. 5 + 0 + 5, Keppra 500 mg. 3 + 0 + 3. Able Recep. Communicates back before

He goes abroad.

GRS / Ap

Has been inspected by Gunnar Sveinbjörnssyni and visual status is unchanged.
Have searched the emergency room today because seizures twice and advise I
Zone Gran increased by 50 mg.

GRS / Ap

06:02:08 Call
Have contacted by telephone, missing certificate to the employer can demonstrate for
His disease.

GRS / Ap

08:05:08 Office Use
Has had it pretty good lately. Begin working on net. Has the neighborhood itself

A lot and feel good. However, the conflict got adkenningu to the team and is the

Due to a blood test with his mother. Order a blood test and a simultaneous concentration of

Levetiracetam. Contact Abnormal.

GRS / Ap

05.26.2008 Call
Have contacted. All blood tests come out well. In terms of drug changes found

My best to wait with this until he comes to me in the living room.

GRS / Ap

16:09:08 Office Use
Does the office. 04:08 had a fit. but had a last fling 30.09. Missing
Certificates in the fund. Also asks you to contact vid f.v. officer of the

Connection with a recommendation but it is not working anymore Nóatúni but works in a kiosk

And want to get a better job. Had to resign in the wake of illness when

We were changing the medication.

GRS / Ap

07:10:08 Office Use
Does the office. Has been free from seizures but does very poorly socially. Lives in

A small apartment with no sanitary facilities where social services have not performed leak
In the bathroom. This is very bad for the person asking has not recovered to
Fully rash from Lamictal. Has the doctor received a lotion to carry on
This with Cort target zone but little or nothing. Write a letter to
Social services.

GRS / Ap

15:10:08 Call
Have contacted. Can not attend the interview with a doctor with pension funds
Commerce, sent letters.

GRS / Ap

19:01:09 Office Use
Is imported from Spain, living with his sister and mother do not have anything in the house that
Protected, can not envisage living with parents of past problems and
Intolerance towards their smoking where smoking takes place in the home. The previous data is

That it has been a history of child abuse in the previous years and according to Oskar's Even the threat thereof, however, his father had dropped drinking. It also says that his father

Time had a similar attempt to younger brothers, Oscar. His mother will not

Discuss this problem. Very important to request receives its own building plans. Reason

The request is now back is that I gather that he has not Get a job as it failed that he would receive from their employer medmælabréf


GRS / Ap


To those concerned

Wishes Eagles = Óskar Örn Adolfsson worked in our shop, Noatun Reykjavíkurvegur 50 Hafnarfjordur, from November 2002 until January 2007. In the four years Óskar performed various roles within the store and may preferably include loading and orders of dairy products, filling and finishing on the dry products, the configuration and general cleaning and customer service.

It gives me pleasure to announce that Óskar perform their duties diligently and worked hard to advance the task before it was presented, he was punctual and enthusiastic.

The disability who wishes to live, he was not that surprising as I had expected at the beginning and had me flótlega clear that he had undertaken various projects. Although he only missed from work because of her, just as he had discussed when he joined.

Óskar was part of the group, sociable and sincere.



For Kaupás hf.

About Me:

The most lovely, trustful, honest and sincerly young gay guy ! I was born like this...came out from my mother´s life like this and had a hard and difficult life since I begin in the school, from 6 years old too 15 years I was put behind and isolaided be my schoolmates and all others....and that´s not all....I was also beaten by my father from that time untill 20 years old when I had inough and moved out becouse my mother didn´t wanna amidditt and insted she hold back for my father.....ARRG!!! Looking for : male in the age range of 0-25 for Sport, Love, Going out, Friendship. I´m most of all lovely , trustful, honest, sincerly and I´m unfraid to speak and talk about with each and one of you like an open book about all and everything what comes around each and one of us life and live so before when I went to grammaschool I was isolated by my schoolmate so I was so closed personality after that untill I moved out from my parents home, where I was also beaten by my own father and my mother didn´t wanna immited all this around that so now for 1 months when I met my doctor in last time in her office my mother stood there and she immited all this to me that I never ever got any support through my epilepsy syndrom who I got 3 months old and they not even never loved me so I´m just here on my own without anyone so I´m just looking for YOU !!! Who is really ready for such longtem relationsship...:O ??? It will and won´t be any probl. for me to move away when the right and this lover will shows-up here... ! LOVE YOU ALL ...LOVE IS ALL AROUND !!! But what I really wish it were really someone who isn't that shy around getting in serious longterm relationsship with such a young handsome lovely, beautiful, trustful, honest, romantic and sincerly gay guy like whom I am. But it's also something such stupid and rubbish thing and idiea that you people here online that I have noted, have just nothing done than complain instead tell this person from how you like him and would you seriously wanna begin a longterm relationsship with him and all that.., but no, you just complain about and around 2.things, destinations problems and the ages problem in the most cases..! So I just ask you people, what happend about and around all this GREAT LOVE what God gave us to use to love someone, not only by ---- him by having S-- all the time, I also mean kissing and hugs between the lovers and soulmates . So come on now and let it show and bring some real love out now ! But it seems likes all these personality things wouldn´t even matter for this type of world specially like I´m punished by how I was born instead that people and each and other persons here, who ever that would or could be in the end, sooner than later on, love me and honor like whom I am but not only how I look like so plz. go and try to wake up from this unrealality-world in this such !! I am and have been for long time on this terrible stage and it has so much and lots to do and have to deal with my whole medical whom I have been taken inside through all these years so isn´t that I would really wanna take my own life away as soon as possible, specially after I got it all confirmed that my family never ever supported me through my epilepsy syndrom and also that they never ever loved me from the begining so I was very shocked and also that my Ex. bisexual boyfriend should had stab my with kniew into my deepest heart and soul with telling me that our relationsship were over because of my medical-problems through my syndrom who is : impotence ...So I have nothing done than cryed over all this all over again and for me it seems for me that my live is for good GAME OVER if nowone doesn´t want something to have with me for longtem relationsship status to do :O !!! Remember that the more active you are, the more popular your profile will be. So don't be shy and add a picture or write a blog message once in a while. Your visitors and friends will love to hear from you! I got one of these noticefication and would like some 50% / 50% mocresy from them who control this website, specially around what comes when I add some great photos and pics and even write the whole truth around my life how it has been and all that, so plz. try to be for once time gentle and nice person and personality here dude for once time at all !!! So I´m gonna do last one try around adding great photos and pics of myself right now !

( Att: plz. ... Most of these are already done & from the past, but it´s still reason 4 me 2 take about all this by open mind so I can forget it & leave it behind later on where it belong, in the past ! If you would like 2 ask me any further questions, than plz. use my mails or add me online later on ...

What I'm Into:

I´m also like few others here looking and searching for my partner, lover and my real soulmate who is really wiiling and ready to except me and take me like who I am instead just to judge me only from outgoing look so look and search into each and one of persons hearts and souls by viewing their profile very well and read it well over and after that speak and talk better to this each and one of these persons by kindness and gentleness .. !!!

Looking For:

Very simple thing, but for someone hard to exept...person/personality who can exept and take my as I am and shows up and out...not how I look like....rather how and what my heart have to give too someone other person....RIGHT OR NOT??? ME TO TELL....U TO FIND OUT!!! I´m also like few others here looking and searching for my partner, lover and my real soulmate who is really wiiling and ready to except me and take me like who I am instead just to judge me only from outgoing look so look and search into each and one of persons hearts and souls by viewing their profile very well and read it well over and after that speak and talk better to this each and one of these persons by kindness and gentleness .. !!! Yo gusta el mismo muy bien tambíen mucho serioso relacion para novio hombre pareja . Este ese este verdad ... !
Ask Me About:

ALL AND EVERYTHING OR JUST LEAVE IT BEHIND ! I want to come message to each and one person here online, because what I have seen and heard trough my live, since I discovered myself and came out, has not been from the good side, [########], if not at all these persons who are or have been signed in on my websit in my country are just looking for 1 or 2 things, one night stand or one/plenty of ----buddies to travel between, day after day, night after night or weeked after weekend. Few of them are yes ofcourse looking for purpurse and some good caring, loving personality, but when it comes to see each other and if other person is not as U people would call it, normal person, in normal healthy body, but damged one body, then most if not all are so quike to judge this person how he or she looks like. I´m discovering now terrible thing trew my parents, what they did after my father stop to bet me and I moved out and that is that they used my disabilety pension to buy a new family car for my 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters at that time for 3 years ago at least and they put my fokking name on the car, knowing that I don´t have and don´t drive cars. They did this to get away from the tax payment....ARRG!!! So plz. don´t try to say or tell my that I´m stupid and all that bull---- things too me! Buy the way for those who does have msn and doesn´t and for those who does or doesn´t have[########], I have created my own private gay interview contact access for those persons who are willing, interesting and would like to know me even better, even get in serious relationship later....who knows by the times! When I was born and few months later on or 3 months old I got this epilepsy syndrom and for at least 1 months ago I got known that I never got this support or love from my family and my main effect from my medical around my sex-life is: impotence...Yeah ..It sucks really bad, so if I´m gonna have S-- with someone I need help with and from vigagra pills who costs me lots and bounce of money and I´m than trying to find a lover and soulmate who is top and I´m and I have always been bottom because of all this so if there is someone out-there who is really willing to become my future lover and soulmate with possibility of getting marriged later on..than plz. be in contact here with me :O !!! I´m more then ready when you will contact me to move away from my country for YOU MY LOVE to your country as soon as possible . So if it´s any questions that you would like to know more about me and myself...than plz.. Don´t be afraid to ask me about it...I´m like an open book to each and one of you here online ...MY LOVE !!! But my msn address are: Face_it_U_are_Gay(at)------- dot com , gayheartbrokenkid4u(at)------- dot com , I and myaddress is: So plz. don´t be afraid to contact me in the meantime. Ciao !


I had & bought a motorbicycle in the year of 2000 - until mai 2005.


Bonus Extra:

Who is & whom are really actully ready to earn themself in some great "EXTRA Christmas BONUS" during while, between & over the season by just only having a great fantastic time moments together & so far ... I am a great photo - & film/videographer/maker!!



The Beatles, The Queens, The Rolling Stones, U2, Coldplay and ofcourse can we not forget our greatest Gaybandgroups who has ever been up for every since I don't remember...Backstreet Boys & Take That ...I LOVE THIS GROUP, )!, Coldplay, Wet Wet Wet !

TV and Film:

Horror, terror, action, funnys, sometimes drama, each and everyone so many titles ... !.




Very svaklega I think often now of frequent lately that require to be in a boring immature way, people can not see the back of a thus to meet the person at an open public place under the great hospitality and had good conversations and met there with so little or much better each other, instead of meet and jump straight up and go right back and make gamanið?!

"With a Star for direct referrals & tilvitnjunar a dream appointment book from 1997, as one of my family! Weddings: There is a lot mishaps icon to dream weddings, especially for lovers. Close friend or relative might have died, dreymandinn lost property or suffered great disappointment. dream unmarried people that is getting married can expect financial problems or other difficulties. married men dead person's face a risk, even death. There is a belief that the dream man they married in the fall if the available Happy marriage. dream men to their spouse married to another will change their lives. "

The thing is that I berdreymdi for a large part of this, however, some good time before the following sporadic incidents took place & time, & allflest of this has already started & go along under the dialogue foreseen documented facts. My financial problems started in the Star started when I lived at home with their parents, just a few years átel I before I stood up against the face expressly against my father because of certain issues viðgengndust & þrífðust many years within the walls of beds authorized device, despite my illness & I have had a stroke at birth, etc.

Then it was just so on the sides because of the integral I saw the film around the family, especially my parents, although I loved & still do, & it was just a really bad habit & spas that I could not accept me to create & live amidst, it was & is to be separately as it is to be an active / passive alcohol activist! It took me damn long enough to win me then out of these so-called cycle fjármálaóreiðu acid with me ... & Can it also goes back to the time & period as I had the hardest drawing in life is doing this bad mental & physical aðkasta I was on my younger years, which resulted in net complete alone bases of my part, for the Star by I moved away from home. In 2007 the mother-my family very hard & þungbært review. This truly magnificent, very painful & eventful years as a bar & had a nature that just ca. nearly mid-spring rather than summer, then dies & mother falls from my mother's mother, such as langamma me, but in mid-autumn dies & falls my cousin in the same family contact, a nephew of my mother. If I recall it & Rama in it right with the nephew of mine, who & uncle, when he died & then abandoned it has been on a similar time / period & the ættmennin my passed away from each other, but what I can tell you & share with you about this particular uncle & my mother is that he wrestled with that & we had a problem with MS-degenerative brain disease. Then there was another offer that day only one mother, my grandmother sat on & knew one of the around him. But considering how Easter, Christmas & New Year food & communication was developed, I now confess that I felt just awful not good because I was always missing from this set a specific person at the dinner table with family. Every single time, had a mother, my grandmother, or even someone from the family walking up the stairs, even sometimes quite up to the door to the room with him & tell him that it was food, but always treated with the same answer back from him, I come down on by & get me to eat, it was always so everyone was ready to eat, etc.. So it was not until all of his closest friends over the years who had contact with the family & volunteered to stay heiðus & memories of the so called him & showed líkvöku be followed various interesting images from a certain specific period / stage & it was in fact then at least I think the movie could put together based on everything I had to go through, etc.. end, it came too bersýnislega in word & the tape that he was gay & & just as I could about earlier, he died almost 40 years of multiple sclerosis.!

I can go much deeper into this particular issue, how & why I decided at that time at the beginning of the shelter of this particular person, etc.. : O!!

This was the case with interest that I be-dreamed for this particular following event / events that I will tell you more here from: But considering that orðréttu samantekktu words & sentences, there is / was pretty much the limits of this particular aura ... : O!

SCOOTER: dream scooter men attacked them, they will soon meet someone of the opposite S-- fascinates them from the shoe. "Dream men Vespa or WASP plug will jealous people create problems & cause them anxiety." Such dreams can also be a warning about the disagreement.

Please if you have sth to say about this, please express your opinions, whether it turns Access. the frustrations of public.era this or not or just tell your side & Access. view & opinion on this matter & attitude, etc.

P.s. I am quite afraid about to dive deeper into the year when the harðbakkann strikes, especially & especially when it is trying to ófegra ýmynd my dignity, honor and many more. ... "JUST NO Probst"!

It is sometimes often direct & obvious that I simply cap for the other & this netaðgöngum because of who & how it is beginning to be badly weighted & apply to me / man in the community after I managed to find this out properly surfaces in my life for the first year when I was the worst one of the seizures in relation to my previous history of child childhood. But for the present less of certain specific members & I would later have launched & shot over the other parties a glimpse of the old shelter initiative & sympathy - volæðissemis in the relevant period to the year & unfortunately due to my illness, I let off pressure from that because I've been found guilty of using drugs that I've had to take over the years because of my illness to their blood pressure & psychotropics that deep down I was about oh & when I found out about it time. But what turns this touches & the young boy, he was the Star is still present today, although it would be if I just did not forecast perceived / me would just not at all surprising considering the last time I knew him; ca. 2 to 3 days before his mother left then forward the complaint against me for the other person had sought to reach my the same place to stay because of former problems with their parents & this is the culmination & harvest the so-called góðsemina & then to Klint other as viðbj & óþv ... ... from any such person who is the current addiction & the aisle in the grass, etc. & Who knows if he bored out of sth even stronger future in old age! The indictment of the judiciary = & Shame ON YOU. So considering all this confusion .. curse from him then I doubt that he is reluctant to meet their ofjarli so to speak, because I know all about closer relationship with the "Dealer" which was to have sold him stöffið at the time / period & be looking to reach is directly / indirectly to say for ókind inside the mouth of the Wolf announces no good offer for a second second term. Since this is the legislators - dómsstóla power & society as a whole has become so completely distorted & entire left that it's become so as such it is the Star seems to be just OK if the younger generation tilhneigðist to as & ásælist & seeks, in particular & especially for older people but then if it is opposite to the one who is older is more for younger breed then all kolvitlaust & crazy at all vígstöðum the legislators - the judicial system, the whole totally disappeared, etc..

(EXTRA, EXTRA, EXTRA BONUS ADDITIONAL ANNEX I decided BE ADDED TO WHERE either of these 2.VENNU, LAW - LEGAL pathogen of Saks ...... the forefront, ERROR-NOT listen to what I have observed TO receives information related to the Multiple Truth HOLE TRUTH ... but instead they take PREVIOUS credibility for 5.ÁRA old language, Later in the year 2005, during which time, the testimony MORE MARK 12 YEARS boy who was - is still the date TODAY in consumption & IT busy Grass & IS NOW 16 to 17 YEARS ... ARRG!

Since this is the legislators - dómsstóla power & society as a whole has become so completely distorted & entire left that it's become so as such it is the Star seems to be just OK if the younger generation tilhneigðist to as & ásælist & seeks, in particular & especially for older people but then if it is opposite to the one who is older is more for younger breed then all kolvitlaust & crazy at all vígstöðum the legislators - the judicial system, the whole totally disappeared, etc..

I knew of him, ca. 2 to 3 days before his mother left then forward the complaint against me for the other person had sought to reach my the same place to stay because of former problems with their parents & this is the culmination & harvest the so-called góðsemina & then to Klint other as viðbj & óþv ... ... from any such person who is the current addiction & the aisle in the grass, etc. & Who knows if he bored out of sth even stronger future in old age! The indictment of the judiciary = & Shame ON YOU.

shelter of initiative & sympathy - volæðissemis in the relevant period to the year & unfortunately due to my illness, I let off the pressure because I've been found guilty of using drugs that I've had to take over the years due to less illness to their blood pressure & psychotropics that deep down I was about oh & when I found out about it at the time. But what turns this touches & the young boy, he was the Star is still today the last time -

It is sometimes often direct & obvious that I simply cap for the other & this netaðgöngum because of who & how it is beginning to be badly weighted & apply to me / man in the community after I managed to find this out properly surfaces in my life for the first year when I was the worst one of the seizures in relation to my previous history of child childhood. But for the present less of certain specific members & I would later have launched & shot over the other parties a glimpse of age that I met at a similar time period & & at that time 14 years & wanted nothing more veggies krafsinu have S-- but after sex, even though I have been strögglast with disabilities as are the Master & - & side effects of the medicines I was on the rails + ghosts past so to speak, which retreated to the time that I lived inside the home parents less. "BUT HELL NO WAY, IT WAS, CREATED BY & to try to put me back in the investigation, but I think now SITES, THAT IT'S BEEN like that lying UP The OPEN face the legislators the power to order AS to let this look like Messi OUT. o & You know what, I'm not that person & Personality FROM AGREED TO to participate in the Decorative VIÐBJ. ÓÞV.SKAP TO LIKE TO REACH OUT TO Kuga FUNDS FROM INDIVIDUALS innocent!

I can go much deeper into this particular issue, how & why I decided at that time at the beginning of the shelter of this particular person, etc.. : O!!

This was the case with interest that I be-dreamed for this particular following event / events that I will tell you more here from: But considering that orðréttu samantekktu words & sentences, there is / was pretty much the limits of this particular aura ... : O!

SCOOTER: dream scooter men attacked them, they will soon meet someone of the opposite S-- fascinates them from the shoe. "Dream men Vespa or WASP plug will jealous people create problems & cause them anxiety." Such dreams can also be a warning about the disagreement.

Please if you have sth to say about this, please express your opinions, whether it turns Access. the frustrations of public.era this or not or just tell your side & Access. view & opinion on this matter & attitude, etc.

P.s. I am quite afraid about to dive deeper into the year when the harðbakkann strikes, especially & especially when it is trying to ófegra ýmynd my dignity, honor and many more. ... "JUST NO Probst"!

It is sometimes often direct & obvious that I simply cap for the other & this netaðgöngum because of who & how it is beginning to be badly weighted & apply to me / man in the community after I managed to find this out properly surfaces in my life for the first year when I was the worst one of the seizures in relation to my previous history of child childhood. But for the present less of certain specific members & I would later have launched & shot over the other parties a glimpse of the old shelter initiative & sympathy - volæðissemis in the relevant period to the year & unfortunately due to my illness, I let off pressure from that because I've been found guilty of using drugs that I've had to take over the years because of my illness to their blood pressure & psychotropics that deep down I was about oh & when I found out about it time. But what turns this touches & the young boy, he was the Star is still present today, although it would be if I just did not forecast perceived / me would just not at all surprising considering the last time I knew him; ca. 2 to 3 days before his mother left then forward the complaint against me for the other person had sought to reach my the same place to stay because of former problems with their parents & this is the culmination & harvest the so-called góðsemina & then to Klint other as viðbj & óþv ... ... from any such person who is the current addiction & the aisle in the grass, etc. & Who knows if he bored out of sth even stronger future in old age! The indictment of the judiciary = & Shame ON YOU. So considering all this confusion .. curse from him then I doubt that he is reluctant to meet their ofjarli so to speak, because I know all about closer relationship with the "Dealer" which was to have sold him stöffið at the time / period & be looking to reach is directly / indirectly to say for ókind inside the mouth of the Wolf announces no good offer for a second second term. Since this is the legislators - dómsstóla power & society as a whole has become so completely distorted & entire left that it's become so as such it is the Star seems to be just OK if the younger generation tilhneigðist to as & ásælist & seeks, in particular & especially for older people but then if it is opposite to the one who is older is more for younger breed then all kolvitlaust & crazy at all vígstöðum the legislators - the judicial system, the whole totally disappeared, etc..

Supplementary Appendix:

It is especially one that I've become aware & was an awful lot, both around my school that uppvaxtarár & & & now it is one of the few that I sárlangar to trigger huge campaign, namely if these so-called interest groups that will let all of these issues really real concern, devices themselves would samb.við & me & waited for me to join with them. But I am of course talking about this so-called friends-klíkuskap that thrives by unnecessarily dominat... by a few individuals in primary schools, if the party is not willing to take the final step in full in the various activities, such as tempted to start smoking cigarettes or even go out to play with drugs, then the Star will be the same as for isolated teased & many more. even what the person on notice of his education ... Why: o? Because of the poor school officials may have that & ill to deal with major problems such as these when they are facing. The thing is that it can often be that this long-rooted, even if another party shall apply to mental or physical, even each two difficulties & problems & be in the result often due to oral drugs carry a small that no harassment from fellow students & classes, their members during school hours, where applicable!

With advance thanks & wishes to you all the joyous celebration & enjoyment rich,


Óskar Örn !

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